Director - Dominique van Olm | Producer - Hayley Brown | Production Company - OPC Films | Executive Producer - Harland Weiss, Isil Gilderale, Emily Harris, Donovan Boden | Service Production Company - Jacaranda Film | 1st AD - Pablo Muñoz | Cinematographer - Miguel Bunster | Production Designer - Polin Garbizu | Wardrobe Stylist - Francisca Torres | Editor - Fi Alvarez | Editing House - School Editorial | Colourist - Andrew Exworth - The Vanity | Online - Andrew Farlow, Scott Olthoff (Iced Capp), and Adam Silcox Vanwyk (Quenchers and Cold Brew) - The Vanity | Audio - Ryan Kondrat, Lowell Sostomi - Grayson Music